Organization cibus et agricultura (FAO)
Cibus et Agriculture Organizatio (FAO) peculiaris est procuratio Nationum Unitarum quae conatus internationalis inducit ut famem vincant.
Gubernationes et evolutiones adiuvat actiones suas coordinare ad agriculturam, ligna, piscationes, et terram et aquam ad emendandas et augendas facultates. Investigationes quoque agit, subsidia technica ad incepta praebet, institutiones et formas exercet, et coacervatum agriculturae, productionem et notitias evolutionis colligit.
Ovum momenti ad Industry
The WEO and FAO work together on the common issues of poultry egg production, poultry health and animal welfare, development and promotion of appropriate codes and best practices for responsible poultry production. They work to support less developed countries, and countries with emerging economies, to improve and expand egg production to feed a constantly growing population. The WEO also supports policy development at the FAO in areas that impact the international egg industry. The WEO looks to support the FAO’s technical activities to ensure the safety of eggs and egg products
There is a formally recognised partnership between the FAO and the WEO, with the WEO working together with the FAO on the following specific initiatives:
- Socius FAO iumentorum Environmental aestimatione et euismod (LEAP) societate.
- Member of FAO's Global agendae for sustainable cattle (GASL).